Aging & Brain Health Alliance

A University - Community Collaboration
Director, Dr. Mark A. Gluck
Supporting Pathways to Healthy Aging in African Americans



Soul Brain: A 90 second dance party video in appreciation of our Very Important Participants

Newark Area Pastors Speak about African Americans and the COVID-19 Vaccines

“Honoring Exceptional African American SuperAgers” Luncheon Feb. 25, 2020

“Operant Conditioning: Learning the Outcome of Behaviors” – Dr. Mark A. Gluck
April 1, 2020

“Classical Conditioning: Learning to Predict Important Events”
This lecture covers material in Chapter 4 of our textbook, Learning and Memory: From Brain to Behavior, 4th Edition (Gluck, Mercado, & Myers). – Dr. Mark A. Gluck
March 29, 2020

“Emotional Learning and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)” – Dr. Mark A. Gluck
March 28, 2020

A short video of our October 12, 2019, “3rd Annual Free Classic Car Show, Bar-B-Que, and Men’s Health Fair” at Messiah Baptist Church in East Orange, NJ. (2m:45s)

Online from RUTGERS TODAY: A Two Minute Video on “Classic Car Show Promotes Brain Health
A Rutgers-University Newark professor came up with a solution to the riddle: How do you get men to focus on taking care of their health if they won’t attend education events? The answer: lure them with a classic car show. Watch our video to see some of the sweet rides and learn about the program that takes a new approach to educating Newark’s African-American senior citizens about brain health.

Rutgers University-Newark’s African-American Brain Health Initiative (ABHA) is a unique university-community partnership promoting brain health among African-American seniors in the greater Newark area. ABHA is led by Mark Gluck, RU-N neuroscientist, and Diane Hill, assistant chancellor for university-community partnerships. One of ABHA’s featured programs is the annual “Go Seniors Go! Improving Brain Health through Physical Activity.” To find out more about ABHA, visit

“Six Steps to a Better Memory”, Dr. Mark A. Gluck (Rutgers Univ-Newark).
In this half-hour talk, given at the Rutgers University-Newark, “Jazz Your Brain!” event for community seniors, I describe six lifestyle choices and habits that will help keep your mind sharp and reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Mark A. Gluck, Professor of Neuroscience. Co-Director, African-American Brain Health Initiative. Rutgers University-Newark, Newark, NY. April 29, 2016.



“Pathways to Healthy Aging: How Lifestyle, Genetics, and Environment Interact to Promote Resilience Against Alzheimer’s Disease in African Americans”.

An overview of both our community engagement and research activities, as given to the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Memory Center & Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. March 11, 2024. Dr. Mark A. Gluck (Director, Aging & Brain Health Alliance. Rutgers University-Newark).

October 4, 2023. St. Louis, MO. “There is No Quick, Easy, or Cheap Way to Recruit Older African Americans.” (30 minutes)

For those interested in learning more about our 17-year history of community engagement in Newark, New Jersey, the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at Washington University in St. Louis has shared this video of a talk I gave at their conference on minority recruitment to aging and Alzheimer’s research.


June 22, 2023. Newark, NJ. “Interactions between Physical Fitness and Genetics on Behavioral and Biological Markers of Alzheimer’s Risk in older African Americans.” (26 minutes)

For additional information on the research and science of what we have learned from these programs, please see this video from our summer conference at Rutgers University-Newark on Risk and Resilience to Alzheimer’s Disease in African Americans.

Pathways to Healthy Aging: How Lifestyle, Genetics, and Environment Interact to Promote Resilience Against Alzheimer's Disease in Older African Americans

(mixes video from January, 2025, talks at Rutgers and via Zoom to University of Georgia, plus bonus community sing-along)

Download a PDF of the slides

My lecture on “Pathways to Healthy Aging: How Lifestyle, Genetics, and Environment Interact to Promote Resilience Against Alzheimer’s Disease” was given on June 24, 2022, to the staff of the Office for Research at Rutgers University. It is a broad and accessible overview of the work by our Aging & Brain Health Alliance at Rutgers University-Newark, including our study of Pathways to Healthy Aging in African Americans.

Download a PDF of the slides

“Pathways to Healthy Aging in African Americans: A University-Community Collaboration”.
Mark Gluck. March 25, 2021.

Download a PDF of the slides


“Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease”.
Dr. Mark A. Gluck
April 5, 2020

“Memory for Events and for Facts (Episodic and Semantic Memory)”.
Dr. Mark A. Gluck
March 25, 2020

“A Brief History of Neuroscience”. An 18 minute Lecture on Youtube
by Mark A. Gluck (Rutgers University-Newark). August, 2020.

What is the “African-American Brain Health Initiative”?
April 29, 2016

“Memory: How it works, why it sometimes doesn’t, and what you can do to improve yours.”.
Newark. December, 2012.

The Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience of Categorization,
Novelty-Detection, and the Neural Representation of Similarity


On WBGO radio, Newark: Glenda Wright and Delores Hammonds from Rutgers Aging & Brain Health Alliance (7/20/2023)

On WBGO radio, Newark: Glenda Wright and Delores Hammonds from Rutgers University-Newark’s Aging & Brain Health Alliance talk with WBGO Michael Hill about the importance of African Americans participating in research to advance understanding and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. They describe own efforts and strategies to recruit participants to both the Rutgers “Pathways to Healthy Aging in African Americans” study and the National Institute on Aging Alzheimer’s Disease Family Based Study. Additional audio included from a pre-recorded interview with Mark Gluck. Broadcast July 20, 2023, as a 30 minute segment of NEWARK TODAY. For additional information, see

Fox 32 TV Chicago. An interview with Dr. Mark Gluck on how exercise enhances aging brains (3/8/2021)

Classic Car Show Promotes Brain Health

A Rutgers-University Newark professor came up with a solution to the riddle: How do you get men to focus on taking care of their health if they won’t attend education events? The answer: lure them with a classic car show. Watch our video to see some of the sweet rides and learn about the program that takes a new approach to educating Newark’s African-American senior citizens about brain health.

The War Inside: Fighting Depression in the Holy Land Verge Video, August 20, 2013


Paddling the Tiber River Through Rome (“Il tipo nel kayak gonfiabile? No, non lo conosco.”).

From the Citroën Rendezvous at Saratoga Springs in upstate New York. June, 18, 2022. We had nine Traction Avants on the field, seven of whom joined us for an afternoon cruise through the region, including circling the scenic Saratoga Lake.

Although Stanford University will later post to their website the entire April 29, 2022, Gordon Bower Memorial program (including the featured speaker and the ten or so brief tributes), here is a 3-minute cell-phone video of the tribute I gave to Gordon:

Saturday Nautical Fever: Paddling from Bay Ridge to Manhattan (channeling the 1970s disco spirit of Tony Manero). Saturday, September 25, 2021.

Staten Island: By Citibike, PackRaft, Ferry, & Subway [3 min. video; Saturday, Sept. 18th, 2021]

Au milieu des feuilles avec trois tractions et les amis” A three minute video of our Classic Car tour of Bucks Country — Saturday, November, 14th, 2020.

Where do the Children Play? Deer Valley Powder Days 2020 (2.5 minute video compilation).

A four-minute video of skiing in Hokkaido, Japan, this past March with 4 other college classmates (I am in black pants, orange jacket and orange helmet with GoPro mount).

Fun time skiing.

“Vintage French Cars Turns Heads”, a short (2 1/2 minute) video from the New York Times. It opens with Alain Daumas and I singing La Marseillaise, the French National Anthem, as we drive in a Citroën Traction Avant past New York’s Central Park in the 2014 Bastille Day Parade. Along with images from the parade, the video includes interviews with Alain, myself, and others talking about our joys and enthusiasms for owning and driving vintage Citroëns.

Skiing through the tree glades of Snowmass Mountain in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado; helmet required!

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