Training Opportunities
- Graduate students at RU-Newark’s Neuroscience and Psychology programs are a central part of our research efforts.
- Through a partnership with the Department of Neurology (Suhayl Dhib-Jalbut, Chair) we seek to expand clinical neuroscience training opportunities for our graduate students, both in Newark and in New Brunswick where Dan Schneider, our ABHA Medical Director, runs the RWJ Medical School Dementia Clinic. We are working closely with the Department of Neurology to help them identify and recruit a new faculty member in Behavioral Neurology who would build a new Dementia and Memory Care Clinic at University Hospital in Newark, addressing both a critical gap in local clinical care while also creating opportunities for future collaborative research on clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease.
- The Aging and Brain Health Alliance is working now with the School of Public Health to launch a future training track within their Masters in Public Health (MPH) program that will focus on aging and brain health concerns of African Americans and other minorities in and around Newark, NJ.
- Working in partnership with the Honors Learning-Living Community (HLLC), the Honors College, Minority Biomedical Research Support (MBRS) program, and the NSF Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) training program, we will launch in the fall of 2019 a new “Undergraduate Internship in Aging and Brain Health” at Rutgers University-Newark which will draw students from all four programs and facilitate their placement in: (1) research labs studying aging and brain health at RU-Newark, School of Public Health, and Neurology, as well as (2) provide opportunities for undergraduates to work with community-based partners, such as local churches, on community outreach and public brain health education programs.
- In the future, we hope to enlist a graduate student or postdoctoral fellow to advise these students and to run a weekly reading seminar that draws students from the various labs, and the four undergraduate training programs, to provide them with ongoing guidance and career advise as well as training in critical thinking and reading in multidisciplinary approaches to aging and brain health.