Postdoctoral Opening at Rutgers University-Newark in fMRI of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
Timing: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The position can begin in either Aug/Sept of 2022 or January, 2023
The Aging & Brain Health Alliance at Rutgers University-Newark seeks a Postdoctoral Fellow with strong prior training and experience in fMRI methods with an interest in applying those techniques to the study of aging and Alzheimer’s disease prevention. Fellows who work in our lab would participate in our NIH-funded study of Pathways to Healthy Aging in African Americans, which draws on interdisciplinary methods from cognitive neuroscience (fMRI, EEG, & cognitive assessments), genetics of Alzheimer’s disease and memory, exercise physiology and kinesiology, public health, sleep research, and immunology. We have an extensive program of community engagement in the greater Newark area through which we recruit older African Americans into both longitudinal and interventional research. We work collaboratively with several other aging and brain research centers including those at UC, Irvine (brain imaging and sleep) and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, (neurochemistry of Alzheimer’s pathology); there will be opportunities for interdisciplinary and international cross-training with our collaborators at these other institutions.
For additional details, lecture videos, an overview of current lab members, and downloadable publications and research summaries, see our lab web site at and our community web site for the Rutgers Aging & Brain Health Alliance at
Applicants should exhibit all four of these criteria:
- Strong skills, training and prior hands-on experience in fMRI methods and theory (most important criteria).
- A Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neurobiology, or related field.
- Rigorous training and experience in statistics and data analysis.
- Prior experience writing and submitting first-authored English-language academic papers and research grants.
FOREIGN CANDIDATES: Are welcome as long as they meet all four criteria listed above.
Salary will be commensurate with experience and comparable to other postdoctoral positions at Rutgers University in neuroscience and related fields.
Applicants should applying *in parallel* through both of two mechanisms:
(1). Email me to with a complete CV, a cover-letter addressing the degree to which you fit all of the desiderata noted above, clarification on your current location and citizenship/visa status, along with a summary of relevant skills, background, future career goals, prior experience, and why you think you are a good fit to our research and lab (please review both our web sites before applying). Please also include a PDF sample of a submitted or published (or in-press) first-authored English-language paper.
(2). Apply formally online through Rutgers Human Resources web page to upload all your documents there, as well: