Conference Overview
PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, June 22, 2023,
for a one-day national conference in Newark on “Risk and Resilience to Alzheimer’s Disease in African Americans”.
Although African Americans have double the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease as compared to white Americans, we do not sufficiently understand the causes of this health disparity, nor how to best focus future interventional efforts to remediate this health crisis. This conference will present the latest data on biological, behavioral, social, and environmental influences on individual differences in aging, brain health, and Alzheimer’s disease in older African Americans – bridging correlational, longitudinal, and interventional methodologies. We seek to promote cross-disciplinary collaboration and communication among researchers, support trainees and early career investigators, and establish wider scientific, clinical, and public awareness of the need to reduce the risk of Alzheimer´s desease in African Americans.