Are you interested in participating as a speaker? To be clear, these are not intended to be your standard research talks about your own research. Rather, we seek from each speaker a contribution to the continuing education of other attendees from different fields (and also for the non-scientists attending). If you are interested, next step would be for you email to suggest some topic (or topics) you could cover in 15 minutes at an accessible non-technical level that would be of interest to a wide interdisciplinary audience (80% scientists, 20% well-educated non-scientist members of the public). See the current list of speakers and topics already confirmed for the January 2025 meeting.
Most people arrive and check.
3:00-4:00pm. Registration and Opening Reception (Bar Area).
Light appetizers (veggie, chicken, and seafood; no beef or pork),
coffee & tea (regular and decaf for both), hot chocolate, bottled water.
4:00-4:30pm. (Columbine Room): STUDENT “THREE-MINUTE ELEVATOR PITCHES”
5 students: Brief overviews of their research (3 minutes) + One Question & Answer (2 minutes). No notes, no slides.
Arturo Barahona (Undergraduate: Univ. of Georgia, Georgia), “Age, Sex and APOE Genotype Alter Distinct Pathways in Humanized APOE mice”
Camilla Connor (Undergraduate: Spelman College, Georgia), “Genetic Analysis of Sleep-Wake Traits in Recombinant BxD Mice”
Desarae Dempsey (PhD Student: Indiana Univ., Indiana), “The Power of Food to Save Our Memories: The Fight Against Alzheimer’s”
Ryan Hedger (Undergraduate: Morgan State University, Maryland), “A Mouse Model of Lipopolysaccharide-induced Inflammation”
Payton White (Rutgers Univ.-Newark, New Jersey), “Sleep Patterns in African Americans at Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease”
4:30-5:30pm. Tutorials Session 1a (Columbine Room): INTERVENTIONS AND THERAPIES
Kristine Wilkins (Univ. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). “Slow-Wave Sleep Enhancement to Improve Cognitive Aging “
Ryan Dougherty (Rutgers Univ., New Jersey). “Walking Energetics: Assessing the Impact of Physical Activity on Cognitive Health”
Bernadette Fausto (Rutgers Univ.-Newark, NJ), “How to Evaluate the Rigor of an Alzheimer’s Disease Clinical Trial Design“
5:30-5:45. Break (Columbine Room)
coffee & tea (regular and decaf for both), hot chocolate, bottled water.
5:45-6:25pm. Tutorials Session 1b (Columbine Room): INTERVENTIONS AND THERAPIES
Joel Voss (Univ. of Chicago, Illinois). “Noninvasive Brain Stimulation for Remediating Memory Decline in Aging and Dementia”
Benjamin Hampstead (Univ. Michigan, Michigan), “Toward Personalized Neuromodulation across the Dementia Continuum”
6:30-8:00pm Pizza Party (Artisan Upper Dining Room)
Assorted pizzas (veggie, plain, chicken/meat) salad, soft drinks, bottled water dessert
3:30-4:00pm. Post-Ski Reception (Columbine).
Light appetizers (veggie and seafood, no meat)
coffee & tea (regular and decaf for both), hot chocolate, bottled water.
4:00-5:20pm. Tutorials Session 2a (Columbine Room): PHYSIOLOGY, BIOMARKERS, & GENETICS
Melissa Petersen (Univ. of North Texas, Texas). “Plasma Biomarkers: Clinical Considerations and Application”
Margaret Flanagan (Univ. of Texas, Texas). “The Evolution of Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology Assessments Over the Years”
Soodeh Moallemian (Rutgers Univ.-Newark, NJ), “Using Quantitative MRI to Measure Myelin and Synaptic Density”
Valentina Garbarino (Univ. of Texas, Texas). “Cellular Senescence in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease”
5:20-5:40. Break (Columbine Room)
coffee & tea (regular and decaf for both), hot chocolate, bottled water.
5:40-7:00pm. Tutorials Session 2b (Columbine Room): HEALTH DISPARITIES IN ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE
Sid O’Bryant (Univ. of Texas, Texas). “Alzheimer’s Biomarkers Across Diverse Populations”
Farid Rajabli (Univ. of Miami, Florida). “Local vs. Global African Ancestry Analyses of Alzheimer’s Disease Risk”
Jason Richardson (Univ. of Georgia, Georgia). “The Toxicology of Environmental Exposure Risks in Alzheimer’s Disease”
Adesola Ogunnyi (Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria). “Epidemiology and Clinical Care for Alzheimer’s Disease Across Africa”
– Attendees on their own for dinner –
3:30-4:00pm. Post-Ski Reception (Columbine).
Light appetizers (veggie and seafood, no meat)
coffee & tea (regular and decaf for both), hot chocolate, bottled water.
4:00-5:20pm. Tutorials Session 3a (Columbine Room): AROUSAL, BEHAVIOR AND MOVEMENT
Gregory Samanez-Larkin (Duke Univ., North Carolina), “Changes in Dopaminergic Function and Decision Making in Aging”
Jean-Francois Daneault (Rutgers Univ., New Jersey). “Digital Monitoring of Gate and Movement in the Elderly”
Rebecca Spencer (Univ. of Mass., Massachusetts), “How Physical Activity and Circadian Rhythms Change as We Age”
Mara Mather (Univ. of S. Calif., California), “The Locus Coeruleus-Noradrenergic System in Aging and Alzheimer’s disease.”
5:20-5:40. Break (Columbine Room)
coffee & tea (regular and decaf for both), hot chocolate, bottled water.
5:40-6:40pm. Tutorials Session 3b (Columbine Room): OTHER TOPICS
Natalie Ebner (Univ. of Florida, Florida). “Oxytocin in Socio-emotional and Cognitive Aging.”
Angela Hill (Univ. of South Florida, Florida), “The Impact of Multiple Medications on Cognitive Aging and Alzheimer’s Risk”
Dario Dieguez (NIH/NIA, Scientific Review Branch, Maryland). “Top Ten Mistakes to Avoid When Writing an NIH Grant Application”
6:45-8:30pm Closing Banquet (Artisan Upper Dining Room)
Most people check out and depart